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The Complete C++ Training Course
by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel

Prentice Hall PTR
fourth edition
April 2003
1400 pages

Reviewed by Randall Twede, May 2003
  (9 of 10)

The book that comes with this training course is the same book used in the C++ course I am taking in college right now. As well as being a comprehensive introduction to the C++ programming language, it also includes an introduction to OOD and the UML by way of an "optional" case study at the end of each chapter. I found this to be a very valuable addition to the book since I knew nothing about the UML before now. The accompanying CD's have audio explanations of all the code samples. This may prove invaluable to people who learn best by hearing things explained, but if you are already an experienced programmer, you might prefer to just get the book. The CD's also include an electronic version of the book, and can possibly be purchased separately.

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