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Java CAPS Basics: Implementing Common EAI Patterns
by Michael Czapski, Sebastian Krueger, Brendan Marry, Saurabh Sahai, Peter Vaneris, Andrew Walker

Prentice Hall PTR
1 edition
May 2008
496 pages

Reviewed by Michael Ernest, May 2008
  (9 of 10)

The only complaint I have with this book is the word 'Basics' in the title. It's expected readers are familiar with EAI patterns, but better if they've read Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.

The authors also assume readers are familiar, if not proficient, with the JCAPS tools. With that in mind, this book and its companion CD relate each discussed pattern to an implemented solution in JCAPS. It took me quite some time to figure out some of these solutions on my own, and I was pleased to have my hunches confirmed by experts. Other pattern implementations were not apparent to me; I'll save a great deal of time using them as given.

The discussion is thorough, deliberate and complete, including drawbacks and limitations that go hand-in-hand with certain pattern solutions. These are valuable insights, but they can make the reading heavy work at times. I recommend chewing off no more than a chapter's worth of patterns at a time, and reading each pattern implementation twice before implementing it once.

The companion CD has many screen shots. Don't be alarmed by the few illustrations in the printed text. The CD doc is 700 pages, and provides detailed graphic cues for implementing the patterns.

The price seemed high at first. With the companion CD, however, it's clear no small effort was made. I think the market could still another book though, one that covers JCAPS fundamentals. This guide is not for beginners.

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