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XML Data Management: Native XML and XML-Enabled Database Systems
by Akmal B. Chaudhri, Awais Rashid, Roberto Zicari

Addison-Wesley Professional
1 edition
March 2003
688 pages

Reviewed by Valentin Crettaz, January 2004
  (8 of 10)

This book aims at presenting the latest XML data management technologies. Each of the five parts of the book aims at discussing solutions to the problematics of data management using XML and related technologies and compares the two most popular techniques available today, namely XML-enabled database systems and native XML database systems. The first technique employs conventional RDBMS and OODBMS solutions for storing XML documents, whereas the second simply persists the DOM representation of the XML document on disk.

The author dedicates one part of the book for presenting XML-enabled database systems, such as IBM DB2, Oracle9i and Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Another part is devoted to native XML database systems, such as Software AG's Tamino XML Server, eXist and Sleepycat's Berkeley XML database.

The author also discusses some concrete case studies on data management with XML, such as biologic data management and its integration with the BLAST algorithm "Basic Local Alignment Search tools" for DNA research.

The book further provides different benchmark systems that can be used for analyzing the performance of the database systems presented.

This book is an excellent reference for both XML-aware developers who would like to integrate XML data management techniques into their projects and for vendors who would like to build new XML storage mechanisms.

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The Bunkhouse administrator is Ankit Garg.