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The Rational Unified Process Made Easy
by Kroll and Kruchten

Addison-Wesley Professional
1 edition
April 2003
464 pages

Reviewed by Panagiotis Varlagas, August 2003
  (10 of 10)

This book helps you understand RUP and how to apply it to your projects. Authoritative authors: Kruchten and Kroll are the top technical and management guys in Rational respectively.

Read chapter 2, which captures the "Spirit of the RUP", the 8 tenets of the RUP philosophy. Master these core concepts, since, to apply the RUP, it is not sufficient that you know the product components, but you have to understand which ones to apply and how.

Chapter 3 is most useful. It charts the territory of processes out there (XP, agile processes, heavyweight assessment standards like CMM), and helps you understand where RUP falls in the picture.

Skip chapter 4, which explains RUP phases in the context of a one-man project.

Chapters 5-9 expound on the 4 RUP phases. Chapter 10 is product-specific. Chapter 11 is extremely important; talks about adopting RUP in your organization and proposes treating RUP's adoption as a project of its own, applying some sort of "meta-RUP" on it. Chapter 12 discusses planning an iterative project. Ch. 13 covers "antipatterns" - important reading; some stuff (e.g. the discussion on what constitutes a bad use case) are useful in a context broader than RUP.

Following are chapters discussing each role's (PM, Architect, Analyst, Developer, Tester) RUP perspective. I liked the discussion on "Good Enough Quality" in the Tester chapter. A "must-read"!

All in all, a good and useful read. Get it if only for chapters 3, 13, and 18.

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