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iPad Portable Genius
by Paul McFedries

1st edition
May 3, 2010
336 pages

Reviewed by Jeanne Boyarsky, June 2010
  (5 of 10)

"iPad Portable Genius" assumes you already know the basics of using the iPad and want to learn more tips.

What I liked best:
1) The physical size of the book was really cool! It is smaller than the iPad and fits well in the case. Book on one side; iPad on the other. I could try things as I read with everything on my lap!
2) The tips - connect to iTunes to get operation system update, fully discharge battery every month or two, type, wifi into maps to see hotspots
3) Suggestions on sites to look for.

What I would have liked better:
1) Assuming a bit less knowledge like that the reader knows where the ???sleep??? button is.
2) Clearer differentiation between wifi and 3G models. It was there, but not that obvious.
3) More pictures - I couldn't figure out how to select well for copy/paste.

I also read "iPad Made Simple" so my recommendation includes when to buy each of the books. The price is only $5 different so that isn't a factor. If you already know about the iPad, want some tips and want to read it on your lap, get "iPad Portable Genius." If you are new to the iPad or plan to read it on a table, get "iPad Made Simple." Either way, enjoy your new iPad!

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