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Extreme Programming Adventures in C#
by Ron Jeffries

Microsoft Press
1 edition
March 2004
560 pages

Reviewed by Ernest Friedman-Hill, May 2004
  (9 of 10)

It's a pleasure to watch a master at work. It's human nature to enjoy identifying with experts, whether you're picking up tips or just validating your own experiences. If you're a golfer, you probably love to watch golf on TV. If you (as I do) build furniture, you'd love Fine Woodworking magazine. And if you're a developer doing Extreme Programming, you'll love this book.

In "Extreme Programming Adventures in C#", XP guru Ron Jeffries lets you pull up a chair next to him as he takes a small programming project from concept to delivery. Along the way, Ron learns the C# language, pair programs with several partners, makes mistakes, hurts his arm, and writes clean, well-factored code. In short, he acts like a real programmer with a real life that you'll be able to identify with easily. You'll see Test-Driven Design in practice, and watch as a complete customer-test tool is developed as an organic part of the project.

The most amazing thing about this book is that Ron checks his ego at the door. He doesn't try to hide his mistakes, but instead celebrates them as learning opportunities. The review at the end of each chapter examines what went wrong and what went right. This book validated many of my own experiences in using the XP methodology. If you're interested in how XP and TDD work in the real world, buy it now.

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