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Hiring the Best Knowledge Workers, Techies and Nerds
by Johanna Rothman

Dorset House Publishing Company, Incorporated
1 edition
September 2004
352 pages

Reviewed by Valentin Crettaz, October 2004
  (10 of 10)

This book is the B-52 of hiring management. Fully loaded with tons of great tips and piloted by the very talented Johanna Rothman, it will parachute numerous boxes packed with smart and effective tips on the head of hiring officers struggling on the battlefield. The well organized flight plan will take you through stopovers dealing with recurrent hiring management topics, such as defining hiring strategies; writing job descriptions; sourcing, selecting and interviewing candidates; creating fool-proof phone-screens; checking references; hiring technical managers and many more. During the trip, Johanna will hand out numerous check lists that will help you organize your work more efficiently and prevent you from going too deep into the mud. What's more, she will share the most common dos and don'ts that you can follow when creating your own job descriptions and offers. She will also embellish your journey with invaluable and true war stories that she actually experienced during the past twenty years. If you still manage to be hungry after this reading, you will find plenty of excellent references to other books whose content nicely complements Johanna's masterpiece.

This 300-pages book enclosing a mountain of priceless information is definitely one of the best books on hiring management available on the market today. Whether you are a hiring manager in need of some guidance/improvements or a job seeker willing to put together outstanding job applications to maximize your chances, don't wait any further, get this book NOW!

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The Bunkhouse administrator is Ankit Garg.