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Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management
by Johanna Rothman, Esther Derby

Pragmatic Bookshelf
1 edition
September 2005
176 pages

Reviewed by Lasse Koskela, November 2005
  (10 of 10)

"Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management" is a small book with a remarkably big punch. In the book, the authors describe how a manager can help her team achieve great things by doing the little things well.

The book follows the manager, Sam, of an imaginary IT department in his day to day actions with which he helps his direct reports overcome -- and sometimes learn about -- issues they're facing in their teams and the organization. These day-to-day actions are a mixture of techniques for handling difficult conversations, facilitating effective meetings, coaching your coworkers, and generally working with and for the people you are managing.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and, even though I'm currently working as a consultant, have already been able to apply some of the techniques at work. For an acting manager, I'd say this book is a must read. Now if only it'd fit in a back pocket...

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