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Hacking the XBox. An Introduction to Reverse Engineering
by Andrew "bunnie" Huang

No Starch Press
1 edition
July 2003
288 pages

Reviewed by Mark Spritzler, August 2003
  (9 of 10)

Here, on the ranch, we have lots of different animals. Chickens, Cows, Roosters, Cats, Dogs, Pigs, Squirrels, and Rabbits can be seen everywhere. But, I have never seen any one of them reverse engineer anything. But there is one "bunnie" out there in the world that loves to reverse engineer anything he can get his paws, er hands on. Especially on an XBox.

If you have ever opened up a computer, appliance, or other electronic goodie to see how it works, then "Hacking the XBox" is for you. Actually even if you are curious and interested just from the cover of this book, then you should get it.

This book is about reverse engineering. It uses Microsoft's XBox as a means to show you techniques, strategies, ethics, and legality of reverse engineering. He covers topics like soldering techniques, security and encryption, and eavesdropping on a high speed bus (just don't let that bus go under 55 MPH or Kabloom!).

Now, I must admit, I am a chicken. I won't open up my XBox, but I still had lots of fun reading "Hacking the XBox", even when the discussion was too technical for my experience.

If you could have only one reverse engineering book, "Hacking the XBox" is it.

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