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XDoclet in Action
by Craig Walls, Norman Richards

Manning Publications
1 edition
December 2003
600 pages

Reviewed by Ajith Kallambella, December 2003
  (9 of 10)

An invaluable book about an indispensable framework!

Remember your first J2EE Hello World app? Just to make that client work, you had to write the remote and home interfaces, and a deployment descriptor. If you wrote the Web version, add web.xml to your list. Let's not forget those configuration files for your app/web servers. Now, think of a framework that fabricate all the nuts and bolts for you -- generating deployment descriptors, EJB homes, remotes, app server files, struts-config.xml and more. No, you are not day dreaming, XDoclet can do all and more!

Quoting several opportunities that exist for automated code generation, authors introduce XDoclet framework as an indispensable tool that actually works! Focusing on every day J2EE development, chapters in "Enterprise Java" section talk about the application of XDoclet in EJB layer and Web application layer. Following are chapters in the "Other XDoclet applications" category that introduce advance applications such as code generation for persistence frameworks, JMX, SOAP/WebServices and mock objects. The concluding section on "Extending XDoclet" deals with custom code generation and XDoclet patterns.

Abundant practical help and many working examples are offered throughout the book including the process of tool adoption for J2EE efforts that are already underway. The working J2EE application that is included in the book can be used as a reference implementation.

In essence, this book does more than just teaching -- it helps you realize the benefits of XDoclet in days and start saving valuable time and money.

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The Bunkhouse administrator is Ankit Garg.