package com.javaranch.common ; /** Contains a collection of static methods related to Time.

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Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Paul Wheaton

You are welcome to do whatever you want to with this source file provided that you maintain this comment fragment (between the dashed lines). Modify it, change the package name, change the class name ... personal or business use ... sell it, share it ... add a copyright for the portions you add ...

My goal in giving this away and maintaining the copyright is to hopefully direct developers back to JavaRanch.

The original source can be found at JavaRanch

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@author Paul Wheaton */ public class Time { private Time(){} // just to make sure someone doesn't try to instantiate this. /** Wait for a bit.

@param Millisecs How long to wait in milliseconds.

*/ public static void delay( int millisecs ) { try { Thread.currentThread().sleep( millisecs ); } catch( InterruptedException e ){} } /** send test to System.out.println and then delay for half a sec. */ public static void debug( String text ) { System.out.println( text ); delay( 500 ); } public static void unitTest( TestLog log ) { // xxx need tests } }