Book Review of the Month

Head First Java
Bert Bates, Kahy Sierra
Have you ever had the feeling that you simply missed the finer points of a subject that you studied? That was the case with me with Java and OO in general.

Gartner reckons that only 3 of every 10 programmers with my kind of background will make the "technology switch" from procedural to OO. This book can change that prediction.

The best way for me to describe this book is by using the teacher at school that we all have encountered in our school careers. You know the one that enthusiastically drew the most elaborate drawing on the black board to explain his point, the one that simply generates interest in his subject purely because of his sheer love of the subject he teaches. Now imagine that teacher in book form. The Head First way, you're favorite teacher in a book.

This book made me finally grasp some of the key concepts of OO that one needs to know to be able to fully use the capabilities Java has to offer.

If you are a Java programmer that has problems understanding the finer points of the language and OO in general I suggest you go out and buy the book.

I want to end with a word of caution. This book, because of its uniqueness, might not appeal to everybody. I suggest you browse the book before buying. You will immediately know if the book is for you.

(This review is based on the draft version of the book)

(Johannes de Jong - Bartender, June 2003)
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