JavaRanch Journal
April 2008, Volume 7, Issue 1
Managing Editor: Ulf Dittmer

JavaRanch Newsletter Articles in this issue :
What It Means to Mock: Isolating Units for Testing Carrie Prebble
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Aspect Oriented Programming in Spring 2.5, part 1 Christophe Verré
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Open Source and the SaaS Development Connection Rick Chapman
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Handling Uncommon File Formats - Introducing Lexers Ulf Dittmer
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Interview with Bear Bibeault, author and JavaRanch sheriff Mapraputa Is
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Authentication using JAAS Rahul Bhattacharjee
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Interesting stuff elsewhere on the Ranch Ulf Dittmer
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What It Means To Mock

What It Means to Mock: Isolating Units for Testing

by Carrie Prebble

I'd like for more of my colleagues to write unit tests. My motives are selfish. Unit tests help me figure out how methods of the unit are supposed to work. Unit tests are documentation too. And if a unit is testable, that makes it pretty good code.

I believe one reason that some of my fellows don't write unit tests is because they're not quite sure how the mock object thing fits in. I'll explain.

Mock objects are for writing unit tests.

Not integration tests, not system tests. But fast, code-covering, automated unit tests. You have to isolate the unit from other objects to make a unit test.

Mocks help us isolate units.

Isolating a unit from other objects means that the test will fail only if the unit fails, not because the network is down or because there's some bug in a library. Besides, how would you know if it's a bug in a library or a bug in the unit? I mean how would you prove it?

Isolating a unit during a test means the test controls the unit. The test controls inputs and helper objects. If my unit creates a new helper GregorianCalendar then it can't test December dates when it's not December. But if the test creates the calendar and passes it to the unit ... (See bonus section.)

If I use mock objects, then I don't have to setup a database with test data. If I use mock objects, then I don't have to setup Tomcat or some other container just to run tests on my unit.

Mock objects, and isolation, help me be a lazier test writer.

Test vs Production

To test a unit, we take it out of the production environment and put it in a test environment. The unit won't know the difference since it will be talking to mock objects that look just like the real implementations.

Production, test; same unit, different environment.

Production vs Test Environment

The unit in this picture has two helpers: a dao and a userService. Mock objects impersonate them in the test.

Mock objects are look-alikes. A mock implements the same interface as the real helper object. It has the same method signatures but instead of implementation, a mock has the ability to take notes during a test and report back. Mocks are the henchmen of tests.

A stub differs from a mock object in that a stub object doesn't know how to tell the test about what happened during the test. Stubs don't collude. Not even in a good, testing kind of way.

Units and Tests and Mocks. Where do I start?

Let's back up a little. We want the unit to behave exactly the same in tests as in production. And it's important to have our unit do only what it has been created to do. "I wrote my unit to fetch reports for managers based on a set of given categories." We'll meet this unit soon.

If it needs help with something, like accessing data (which is some other object's specialty), then have the unit expect that helper to already be instantiated and ready to help. The unit calls the helper by calling a getter for the helper, and then the helper's method: getDao().getReport(cat). Some other object creates and destroys and hands out instances of objects that the unit needs. The unit is like the surgeon. Others hand her the tools, she just focuses on the work.

Let some other object do life-cycle management.

Make the unit mock-ready or helper-ready, expecting helper objects to already be there:

  1. unit declares members as their interfaces
     private IDao dao;
    instead of
     private DaoImpl dao;

  2. which means Static objects and Singletons are not mock-able since they are not declared and can't be set to a different implementation

  3. the unit, when it's ready to work, should expect the dao variable to already have a value. The unit uses it by calling its getter: getDao();

  4. The life-cycle manager, which could be a framework or a test, must be able to give your unit a different implementation of the real helper by calling a setter: setDao();

The next three pictures show a mock-ready unit, a test that sets mock helpers and a main method that sets production helpers.

A mock-ready unit:

A mock-ready unit.

Test environment sets mock helpers:

Its unit test.

Production environment sets production helpers:

Main method sets production implementations.

The unit is the same whether it's in production or in test. The test injects mock objects in place of the helpers. The main method, the production environment, injects real implementations for the helpers.

Yeah-but Questions

Q: Is this dependency injection?
A: Yes. The unit's dependencies are set, or injected, by somebody outside the unit, a test or a framework.

Q: So I should never use "new" in my unit?
A: You probably don't need to mock a String object, so the unit could create new Strings. Or a new ArrayList. It's the helper objects that the unit shouldn't be creating.

Q: Who sets the real helpers, userService and dao, in production?
A: A container, like Spring Framework or JBoss, a main method or another object that does setup can inject real objects. Spring Framework can inject the unit's dependencies if the unit is mock-ready. The following snippet could be the unit declared in a Spring Framework configuration file. Spring injects the production implementations of the helper objects.

  <bean id="unit" class="mocks.Unit">
     <property name="dao" class="mocks.DaoImpl"/>
     <property name="userService" class="mocks.UserServiceImpl"/>

Q: What do you mean Static and Singleton objects keep a unit from being mock-ready?
A: If a unit makes a call that looks like: StaticUtil.methodZ(), there isn't a way to substitute a mock StaticUtil in for the real thing. There isn't a setter in the unit for a test to set it to a different implementation.

Q: Why is it such a big deal to not use a static object in the test?
A:It's important to focus on testing just the unit. If we don't isolate our unit we don't really know who we're talking to during a test. Do the static methods call other static objects? What if there's a bug somewhere in the static method or those other objects? We want to test our unit, not those other objects.

To unit test a unit that has a static object, you have to change how the unit uses it. Make an interface and a wrapper implementation for the Static object and add getters and setters to the unit. The unit uses this new interface and object instead of the static object.

  1. make an interface of StaticUtil
  2. make a wrapper implementation:
    StaticUtilWrapper implements IStaticUtil { 
        public String methodZ() {
            return StaticUtil.methodZ();
  3. unit declares the new interface:
    private IStaticUtil util;
  4. make a getter and setter:
    public IStaticUtil getUtil() { return this.util; }
    public void setUtil(IStaticUtil util) { this.util = util; }
  5. unit uses util object:
    String rtnval = getUtil().methodZ();
  6. test can substitute a different util object:

Q: But static is good, isn't it, since it saves expensive object instantiation?
A: A static helper object comes at the cost of not being able to isolate and unit-test a unit that uses it. You can get the benefits of static-ness and singleton-ness other ways. The Spring Framework provides a singleton-like behavior for its beans, unless directed otherwise.

Let some other object do life-cycle management. Encapsulate that elsewhere. A unit should focus on its work, its reason for being, not on creating its helper objects. Removing object instantiation responsibilities makes the unit more cohesive. A cohesive unit means it's single-minded, it's focused on doing only one thing, which is a worthwhile development principle.

Bullet Points

  • it's important to isolate a unit for a unit test

  • isolation means not letting the unit have any conversations with objects not under the control of the test

  • mock objects help isolate a unit for testing

  • a test isolates a unit by substituting mock objects in place of the unit's real helper objects

  • a mock helper object implements the same interface as the real helper, has no real implementation yet can "report back" to the test about what happened during the test

  • the test does all the setup for the unit

  • a unit that is mock-ready is easier to unit test

  • a mock-ready unit's helpers are declared by their interface and set by somebody else

  • a mock-ready unit calls methods on its helpers by first calling the getter and then the method

  • removing responsibility for creating its own helper objects from a unit makes it more testable and more cohesive

So now how do I do this? How do I make mocks and how do I apply this to classes I already have?

Take a look at the method you want to test. What does it do? Does it call methods on any helper objects (besides java.lang objects like String and List)? Does it make "new" helpers? Make your unit mock-ready.

  1. Have the unit declare the helper as a class level member and declare it by its interface. If the helper doesn't have an interface then change that if you can; otherwise make an interface and an implementation that forwards calls to the helper.

  2. Make getters and setters for the helper member

  3. Remove any lines that create new helper objects

  4. Change any lines that call helper methods to something like:

We'll use JUnit to help us make tests. And there are tools out there that can help us make mock objects. JMock is one of them.

The tricky thing about a unit test

... is that we're testing only what the unit does. If a unit calls a method on a helper object, that's what we test. That the unit has made that call. We don't care how the helper does its work. We might care about inputs and outputs of the helper. Those are things our unit might work on.

In the getUserReports method in the above unit, the unit makes a call to the userService. We tell that helper mock to expect a particular method call. The mock will tell us if the unit made that call or not. It will also tell us if the arguments and return value were expected.

How do I use JMock?

(Note: these examples are in version 1.2 of JMock)

  1. Import the libraries:
    import org.jmock.Mock;
    import org.jmock.cglib.MockObjectTestCase; the test class extends this class

  2. Make the Mock:
    Mock mockUserService = mock(IUserService.class);
  3. Tell the mock what to expect during the test: "for this test the unit will make a call to 'getCurrentUser' on the UserService object and it will return a User object":
  4. Set the unit's userService:
  5. The mock will tell you anyway but you could ask it if the unit met the expectations:
  6. See the unit test above, and visit for more information about JMock

Write More Unit Tests with Mock Objects

By using mock objects, we can isolate and test (and document) the work done by our unit. By using mocks, we don't have to setup databases or containers to test our units. Mock objects can help us be lazy writing our tests, which means we'll write more of them, right?

BONUS: inject a calendar in a unit to test December in January:

unit declares calendar:

private Calendar calendar = null;

make setter:

public void setCalendar(Calendar thisday) {
    this.calendar = thisday;

make getter (use the calendar if it has been set, else make a new one):

public Calendar getCalendar() {
    if (this.calendar != null ) {
        return (Calendar)this.calendar.clone();
    } else {
        return new GregorianCalendar();

unit uses calendar by calling getter:

Calendar startDate = getCalendar();
Calendar endDate = getCalendar();

test makes December date and sets unit's calendar:

Calendar testdate = new GregorianCalendar();
testdate.set(2007, 11, 31); // 12-31-2007

call the method under test and assert things about any return values:

Date rtnSaturdayDate = unit.methodWithDate();
assertEquals(<the following Saturday>, rtnSaturdayDate);


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What It Means To Mock

Aspect Oriented Programming in Spring 2.5

Part One: Introduction to Spring AOP and proxies

by Christophe Verré

Advices, pointcuts. Obscure words making me wonder what Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is all about. In fact, behind these words lie very simple principles. Once the AOP vocabulary has been tackled, using AOP is a matter of practice. Spring offers different techniques to use AOP, but I think that the variety of choice makes AOP even more confusing. Let's clear this up, and see how AOP can be used in Spring.

Two AOP implementations can be chosen, as well as two coding styles for each. Confusing, isn't it ?

  • Spring AOP. It is not aimed to provide a full AOP implementation but it will be more than enough in most cases.
    • using the @AspectJ annotation style
    • using the XML configuration style
  • AspectJ. If Spring AOP is not enough, AspectJ, a Java implementation of AOP, can be easily plugged in.
    • using the AspectJ language syntax
    • using the @AspectJ annotation style
Annotations can be used with Java5+. I recommend to go through Spring's reference documentation to decide which one to choose. It will mainly depend on requirements and taste. I think that understanding Spring AOP is a priority before thinking of using AspectJ. In this tutorial, we will use Spring AOP only, using both the @AspectJ and XML styles.
  • Part 1: Introduction to Spring AOP and proxies
  • Part 2: Spring AOP using @AspectJ Annotation
  • Part 3: Spring AOP using the XML schema
  • Part 4: Spring AOP and transactions
It is assumed that you are already comfortable with Spring's dependency injection. If not, you can read this tutorial first. Basic database knowledge will help too.

AOP, what's the big deal ?

AOP is here to help programmers to separate of crosscutting concerns. What's that ? Imagine ordering an item at an online shop. When the item is ordered, several database tables may be updated. If a problem occurs during the ordering process, everything sent to the database should be cancelled (rollback). If the ordering process successfully ends, the ordering should be committed to the databases.


public class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService {
    public void orderItem(Item item, int quantity) {
        // Insert item into ORDER table
        // Update ITEM table, decrement the number of remaining items

public class OrderItem {
    public void orderItem(Item item, int quantity) {        
        OrderService orderService = ServiceManager.getOrderService();
        orderService.orderItem(item, quantity);


public class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService {
    public void orderItem(Item item, int quantity) {
        // Start transaction
        // Insert item into ORDER table
        // Update ITEM table, decrement the number of remaining items
        // Commit changes

public class OrderItem {
    public void orderItem(Item item, int quantity) {
        try {
            OrderService orderService = ServiceManager.getOrderService();
            orderService.orderItem(item, quantity);
        } catch( DbException e ) {
            // log exception
            // Rollback transaction
All this changes to make one transaction ! And that's just the orderItem() method. All methods that need transactions will look like this. The OrderServiceImpl's primary objective is only to fetch, insert, update or delete users. It doesn't care about transactions after all. If transactions could magically start when needed, without the OrderServiceImpl knowing it. Wouldn't it be great if transactions could be implemented without touching the original object ? That is where AOP comes to the rescue. A transaction is a crosscutting concern. It may be applied anywhere on top of existing code. Spring not only supports AOP, but also offers a very useful transaction management system. But before diving into AOP, let's first see an important concept in Spring AOP: proxies.


A proxy is a well-used design pattern. To put it simply, a proxy is an object that looks like another object, but adds special functionality behind the scene. In Spring, any interface can be proxied. Let's see a simple example to illustrate what a proxy really is. The Saloon interface:
package com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop;

public interface Saloon {    
    void openSaloon();
A simple implementation of the Saloon, the MooseSaloon :
package com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop;

public class MooseSaloon implements Saloon {

    /** Welcome message */
    private String greeting;
    public void setGreeting(String greeting) {
        this.greeting = greeting;
    public void openSaloon() {        
        System.out.println("Saloon open [" + getClass() + "/" + toString() + "]");
The MooseSaloon declared as a simple bean, and a proxy to the MooseSaloon:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="mooseSaloon" class="com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon">
        <property name="greeting"><value>Welcome to the Big Moose Saloon !!</value></property>
    <bean id="proxySaloon" 
        <property name="proxyInterfaces"><value>com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.Saloon</value></property>    
        <property name="target"><ref local="mooseSaloon"/></property>
The Main class using both the MooseSaloon and its proxy:
package com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop;

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("aop.xml");
        // The mooseSaloon pojo
        Saloon mooseSaloon = (Saloon)ctx.getBean("mooseSaloon");
        System.out.println("mooseSaloon [" + mooseSaloon.getClass() + "]");
        // The mooseSaloon proxy
        Saloon proxySaloon = (Saloon)ctx.getBean("proxySaloon");
        System.out.println("proxySaloon [" + proxySaloon.getClass() + "]");
Running this application will produce something similar to the following output :

Saloon open [class com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon/
Welcome to the Big Moose Saloon !!
mooseSaloon [class com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon]
Saloon open [class com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon/
Welcome to the Big Moose Saloon !!
proxySaloon [class $Proxy0]

You can notice that both the MooseSaloon and its proxy do the same thing. However, both mooseSaloon and proxySaloon are different classes. The proxy holds a reference to the mooseSaloon and implements the same interface, thus it holds the same methods implemented by MooseSaloon. What you cannot see yet is that the proxy can add some nifty functionality behind the hood. But before getting deeper into AOP, let's see some important terminology.

AOP jargon

The AOP terminology may be boring to get on with, but it is necessary to understand these words before going further.
  • Join point : a particular execution point. For example a method execution, or the handling of an exception.
  • Advice : simply said, it is the code to execute. For example, starting a transaction.
  • Pointcut : represents which join point an advice should be applied to
  • Aspect : pointcuts and advices form an aspect
  • Target object : the object being advised by some aspects
  • Weaving : "applying an aspect"
When an aspect is applied to an object, a particular advice will be applied to any join point matching a pointcut's expression. Starting a transaction could be expressed the following way :
  • Aspect : start a transaction in methods which need to run in a transactional context
  • Join point : method is called
  • Pointcut : every method starting with "insert", "delete", "update"
  • Advice : start a transaction
NOTE: In Spring AOP, only the "execute method" join point is supported.

There are different types of advices
  • Before advice : executes before a join point
  • After returning advice : executes after a join point completes without throwing exceptions
  • After throwing advice : executes after a join point has thrown an exception
  • After (finally) advice : executes after a join point has finished, not matter if it has thrown an exception or not
  • Around advice : executes before and after a join point is executed

A simple advice

In the MooseSaloon example, let's apply a simple aspect :
  • Aspect : log every Saloon methods called
  • Pointcut : every Saloon methods of the MooseSaloon
  • Advice : log before the method is called
Don't worry about ProxyBeanFactory and MethodBeforeAdvice gorry details. The point here is just to illustrate what a proxy does behind the scene. Here is the advice we will apply to our saloon.
package com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Date;

import org.springframework.aop.MethodBeforeAdvice;

public class SaloonWatcher implements MethodBeforeAdvice {

    public void before(Method method, Object[] args, Object target) throws Throwable {
        System.out.println("[" + new Date() + "]" + method.getName() + " called on " + target);
The MethodBeforeAdvice's before() method will be called before a method of a target bean is called.

Let's now modify the proxy to use this advice:
<bean id="proxySaloon" 
    <property name="proxyInterfaces"><value>com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.Saloon</value></property>    
    <property name="target"><ref local="mooseSaloon"/></property>
    <property name="interceptorNames">

That's all. The Main class and the MooseSaloon class do not change. After execution, the printed information will look like this:

Saloon open [class com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon/
Welcome to the Big Moose Saloon !!
mooseSaloon [class com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon]
[Mon Mar 24 15:14:42 JST 2008]openSaloon called on com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon@2a4983
Saloon open [class com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon/
Welcome to the Big Moose Saloon !!
proxySaloon [class $Proxy0]

Isn't that magic ? Not really, it's called AOP, using a proxy. Although the MooseSaloon class was not changed, we managed to report when a Saloon method is called. Can you now imagine how to manage transactions without modifying the existing code ?

A word on proxying beans

In the above example, there is a MooseSaloon and its proxy. In the main method, the proxy is explicitly instanciated via its name "proxySaloon". Wouldn't it be cool if we could use a proxy without even knowing it ? Actually, Spring uses a powerful feature called autoproxying, which will proxy selected beans behind the scene. There are different ways to achieve this. Here is one using the BeanNameAutoProxyCreator, which automatically create proxies depending on bean names. In part two of this tutorial, we will see how autoproxying is achieved using the @AspectJ annotations. But to illustrate the concept of autoproxying, let's modify the Main class, the bean definition file, and use a BeanNameAutoProxyCreator. Let's remove the proxy from the Main class.
package com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop;

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("aop.xml");
        // The mooseSaloon pojo
        Saloon mooseSaloon = (Saloon)ctx.getBean("mooseSaloon");
        System.out.println("mooseSaloon [" + mooseSaloon.getClass() + "]");

And let's remove it from the definition file too. Instead, we will use the BeanNameAutoProxyCreator to create a proxy automatically on the MooseSaloon.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="mooseSaloon" class="com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon">
        <property name="greeting"><value>Welcome to the Big Moose Saloon !!</value></property>

    <bean id="saloonWatcher" class="com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.SaloonWatcher" />
    <bean class="org.springframework.aop.framework.autoproxy.BeanNameAutoProxyCreator">
      <property name="beanNames"><value>*Saloon</value></property>
      <property name="interceptorNames">

A proxy will be created for every bean whose name ends in "Saloon", just like our "mooseSaloon". After executing this new version, something similar to the following should be printed:

[Mon Mar 24 16:00:56 JST 2008]openSaloon called on com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon@5a9de6
Saloon open [class com.javaranch.journal.spring.aop.MooseSaloon/
Welcome to the Big Moose Saloon !!
mooseSaloon [class $Proxy0]

Amazing, isn't it ? Look at the Main class. Although the "mooseSaloon" bean is obtained from the factory, the log information has been printed out. The class name is not MooseSaloon, but "$Proxy0". This shows that we are working on the proxy, not the bean itself.

You've made it

Congratulations, you've made it ! Don't think too much about MethodBeforeAdvice, ProxyBeanFactory or BeanNameAutoProxyCreator. These were used in Spring 1.2, but there are now other ways to use proxies and AOP since Spring 2.0, which will be the subject of this tutorial's next part. If you have understood what a proxy is, and still remember what the AOP main keywords are, you're fine for now.
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Open Source and the SaaS Development Connection

Open Source and the SaaS Development Connection

by Rick Chapman, Managing Editor, Softletter

(The data in this article is derived from Softletter's 2008 SaaS Report, available directly from The complete table of contents and preview pages can be viewed here. Further analysis from the report will be discussed at Softletter's upcoming SaaS University seminar in Waltham, MA, June 18/19; complete agenda.)

When preparing the latest release of Softletter's SaaS (Software as a Service) Report we conducted a series of cross-tabs and drill downs into the results and generated some interesting results we'd like to share with you. In the 2006 report, only 15.4% of our survey respondents replied that they were using Open Source in their product lines. The numbers changed significantly for the 2008 report, with 28% reporting they used Open Source in their SaaS systems. But our drill downs uncovered even more interesting trends we'd like to examine.

Is your SaaS product based on Open Source software?

Companies Under $1M in Revenue

The question is why are smaller SaaS firms turning to Open Source in such large numbers? To gain insight into the issue, we contacted several of our survey respondents and asked them. The answers broke down into two basic categories: cost savings and time to market, a topic we look at in greater detail further on in this article.

When we looked at the $1 to $5m cohort, the numbers shifted dramatically down (results for the $5m to $10m and $10m to $99m segments are similar to those for $1 – $5m):

Companies $1 – $5m in Revenue

Why the sharp drop off in enthusiasm for Open Source amongst these larger firms? Again, we turned to the phones and E-mail. The most common thread running through all the conversations we had was that these companies had made their technology beds at this point and were focused on growing their customer bases, new releases, and solving various sales and marketing issues. Another factor was that while Open Source helped companies build prototypes for proof-of-concept funding and early production systems that helped them reach customer one, as development continued many firms were choosing to take their systems proprietary to achieve scalability and performance goals.

When we looked at the last cohort we measured, the 100m+ segment, the numbers shifted again in favor of Open Source, though not quite so dramatically as with the under $1m segment. When we spoke to management at several large SaaS firms, a common thread running through our conversations was that these companies saw Open Source as an infrastructure play, a means of shaving cost off server management and application serving. The major secondary reason offered was decreased development and component costs.

Companies $100m+ in Revenue

In order to discover more about the relationship between SaaS development trends and Open Source, we contacted Wayne Hom, CTO of Augmentum, a major outsourcer and development house focusing on resources from China. Augmentum recently finished a major development effort for Etology, a SaaS-based firm that creates a virtual ad marketplace for niche publications (such as Softletter).

Wayne, our recent Softletter SaaS survey indicated that almost 50% of SaaS companies under $1M in revenue were basing their products on Open Source software. What is your take on this trend?

Open Source can definitely assist a startup in getting to market faster. With SaaS, time to market and reliable delivery of services is key because of the extended ramp up to profitability.

Where Open Source truly shines is in its ability to function as a community-driven store of components that can drive a new product's underlying architecture. In this sense, Open Source replicates, but on a non-proprietary scale, the platforms being assembled by firms such as and Netsuite. A new company looking to get up and running can rummage through a vast array of Open Source projects and often find valuable resources that can substantially speed their initial development efforts.

How do you know you'll be able to find what you need from the Open Source parts bin?

Open Source is very dynamic. Our business focus is on China because of the number of new engineers and architect-level personnel being turned out by their educational system. In terms of sheer volume, China is 10X India in the technical resources it's producing. We have a dedicated team at Augmentum for tracking the Chinese market in terms of Open Source technology; we're almost always able to find useful components and systems for our clients.

We've discussed Etology; how did you use Open Source to speed up their time to market?

The key technology underlying their entire system is an ad server. We used phpAdsNew (now OpenX) as the basic server engine. There wasn't a good proprietary technology we could use and if we'd had to write an ad server from scratch, it would have taken approximately six months. From the time the project was spec'd out to launch was 45 days.

Was the product in its original configuration suitable for commercial use?

No, and that's a critical point when considering using Open Source to get to market more quickly. Open Source can save you time and money when you're thinking about acquiring customer one, prototyping, or building a proof-of-concept version of your system for funding efforts. But I have never seen a single instance where an Open Source technology didn't need substantial reworking and proprietary extension for commercial use.

For example, phpAdsNew in its original configuration didn't have strong fraud detection capabilities; we had to rip out that part of the product and put in something new. Even more significant is that while the product performed OK, it couldn't scale sufficiently as Etology's business grew. By the time the company's website was serving two billion ad impressions per day, we had rewritten the entire system in C++ for performance.

In our experience, while Open Source can get you to market more quickly, once you're up and running, ongoing maintenance/development costs are no different from commercial software. Also, when considering using an Open Source technology for a project, you should remember that while the functionality may be there and the cost is very attractive, once you crack open the code, you may find it's not very good. This is not a criticism of the programmers per se. The group or person involved may have wanted to prove a concept or arrive at a quick and dirty solution to a problem. If there was no incentive or reason for them to spend time optimizing their work, you should assume it hasn't been. This is particularly true of smaller and less well publicized Open Source projects.

What about leveraging the Open Source community as the product in its original configuration suitable for commercial use?

There are practical problems with this. One is that companies do not want to contribute back to the community; they want to take, not give. Interestingly enough, they'd love to pay in many cases for the technology. Avoiding the GPL is not usually a question of greed; it's driven more by a desire to focus on business and avoid the distractions and legal issues the GPL introduces into a business.

The other issue facing community use is that even once you've contributed back, Open Source development is a meandering process. The community may or may not contribute and they'll focus on what interests them, not on your business priorities.

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Handling Uncommon File Formats - Introducing Lexers

Handling Uncommon File Formats - Introducing Lexers

by Ulf Dittmer

Every so often one encounters a file that is in some proprietary format not easily readable by the standard I/O routines. Well, readable it is, to be sure, line by line – but making sense of the content of the lines –documented as it may be– has to be automated, and the format seems to be different than any other one you've seen so far: not Properties, not CSV, not XML, not even HTML. No, someone has let their imagination run wild and created something that no class or library known to you can handle. What to do?

What's needed is a parser for this format, and while it's not hard to program one for a format for which example files are available, this isn't something that's fun to develop, and it's an error-prone process, too. Luckily, this is a recurring problem, and much time and effort has been expended to study it, and to come up with algorithms and tools to tackle it. It's the realm of lexers and parsers. Once the domain of the venerable lex and yacc tools of Unix lore, there is now no shortage of tools generating Java code. JFlex is the standard lexer, and Antlr, SableCC and JavaCC are the eminent parsers.

What's the advantage of using these tools? They allow us to specify the format not by hardcoding a series of if/then statements (like "if the last character was a '$' then read an integer, otherwise skip 5 bytes and read a string"), but as a set of rules that describe what is expected, and what should happen if the expected input is indeed read from the file. This is also much easier to adapt in case the file format ever gets extended in the future (as these proprietary formats inevitably tend to be). Arguably, these days XML should be used for these purposes, but it will be a long time until the existing formats have truly gone away. Until then, lexers and parsers can make some unpleasant coding tasks much easier to deal with.

This article introduces the JFlex library, and shows how to use it to read a format well-known to all Java developers: properties files. It starts out by recognizing just the core "key=value" lines, then we add comment lines, then continuation lines (where the value is spread out over several lines), and in the end we add an extension to the format – hierarchical properties that get mapped to Java objects. It uses a number of ready-to-run examples that can be found in this file which also contains the JFlex library.

A Basic Lexical Specification

The way lexers work is by creating a lexical specification. This is essentially a collection of regular expressions mixed with Java code that gets executed whenever one of the regular expressions matches part of the input file. One could describe step by step what goes into such a specification, but instead we'll look at the simplest-possible one that JFlex can use. Have a look at the PropertiesReader1.flex file. It eventually gets translated into a Java source file, so parts of it look like regular Java source code. The basic structure is like this:

  1. Import statements, just like in Java, and copied verbatim to the generated source code
  2. %% – a delimiter
  3. Various declarations that determine specifics of the class about to be generated, e.g. the class name and visibility modifier.
  4. ${ – delimiter that indicates the start of the Java code block
  5. Regular Java code that is copied verbatim to the generated source. In this case it contains a main method that opens and parses a file.
  6. %} – delimiter that indicates the end of the Java code block
  7. %% – a delimiter
  8. a list of states and their associated regular expressions

#8 is the most interesting one, so let's look at it in detail. It contains only a single rule:

    . {

YYINITIAL is code for "start the parsing here". The rule starts by specifying the regular expression that should be matched; in this case it's the dot which means "match any character". If a character is matched, the code in the brackets is executed – the readCharacter method is called. A few lines above you can find its declaration, and you'll see that it takes a string as parameter. So where does the yytext method come from, and what does it do? It's a pre-declared method that returns whatever was matched by the regular expression. So in this case it will always return the single character matched before, which will then be printed to standard out by readCharacter.

So let's see what happens. You can run the code by typing "make run1" or

java -classpath .:JFlex.jar PropertiesReader1

if you don't have make installed.

Unfortunately, only parts of the file are displayed, and then an exception occurs: something about "could not match input". How can that be, given that the dot should match any given character? Turns out the dot matches all characters but newline (\n). So we need a second rule that specifically matches a newline. That's what PropertiesReader1a.flex does; it adds this rule:

    \n {

If you run it via "make run1a", it'll run to completion and print every character in the properties file.

On To The Properties

Now that we have a program that can parse a file (although not yet in a particularly interesting way), let's teach it about property keys and values. Take a look at the end of PropertiesReader2.flex. It introduces two important features. Firstly, it gives names to particular regular expressions. Here, "WhiteSpace" and "LineEnding" are defined. By defining these we can refer to them by name later on, which is nice if we want to use them several times. Plus, using a name makes it easier to figure what's happening compared to looking at the raw expression.

The second important features are states. The previous example only had a single one –YYINITIAL– and we didn't have to declare it. It is always present, so that the parser knows what to start with. In this case, two more are defined – KEY and VALUE. KEY is used for parsing the left side of a property line, and VALUE for the right side.

So the way to read the specification is the following:

  • Start in state YYINITIAL
  • If a white space or line ending is found, ignore it
  • For anything else, it's the start of a key, so we switch to the state that handles keys. That's what the yybegin method does.
  • In state KEY
    • Read as many characters as possible NOT including an equal sign – that's the value of the key
    • Then, switch to reading the value.
  • In state VALUE
    • Again, read as many characters as possible, not including a line ending – that's the value.
    • Upon encountering a line ending, switch back to the initial state.

Whew! It takes a bit of time to learn how to read such a specification, but once you understand the concept of named regular expressions, and how they are used to switch between different states it becomes much clearer. One feature I didn't mention, and that's the call to yypushback in the last rule of YYINITIAL. That rule matches if something significant was read – the first character of the key. If we simply switch to the KEY state, that character would be missing from the key, so this method tells the parser to take that one character and "push it back into the input stream". That way it will be read again in the next step, and the KEY state has a chance to see it. This is needed in situations where there is no distinct separator character between different parts of the input file.

If you run this code ("make run2" or its equivalent), it'll print out all the key/value bindings in the file, in this case:

{key1=value 1, key2.key3=value 2 and 3}


PropertiesReader3.flex adds support for comments to the parser – lines that start with "#". A new state is added –COMMENT– which reads all available characters until the line ending, and simply prints it to the console. We also need a new rule in the INITIAL state that switches to COMMENT upon encountering "#". Note that in this case we don't need to call yypushback, because that character isn't part to the comment – it acts as a delimiter only.

Continuation Lines

The last missing piece are continuation lines – property values that span more than one line. A line that is to be continued has a backslash ("\") at the end. It signifies that whatever is on the next line is still part of the value. This can go on for more than a single line, allowing for lengthy values without the need to include very long lines in the file. PropertiesReader4.flex supports this.

Remarkably, the only change required is one new rule in the VALUE state. In plain text it says "If there's a backslash in the value, with nothing but white space following it until the line ending, append the text (without the white space) to the value, AND stay in state VALUE." That way, the next line read is treated as part of the current value, and not the start of something new.

Beyond Standard Properties

The last example –PropertiesReader5.flex– adds support for hierarchical properties, something that's not part of standard properties. Properties with a numerical suffix like


are stored in a Map with keys "0", "1" and "2". This isn't meant to be tremendously useful, just an example of how easy it is to extend the parser. All that's needed is one new rule in the KEY state that especially handles keys ending with a numerical suffix. Imagine the amount of code needed if you were to program this by hand.

That's All Folks

Reading an uncommonly formatted file (or other textual input) isn't something you need to do often, but if you do, it's made much easier by using the right tool for the job. Hand-crafted parsers are tricky to get right, and tend to be brittle during maintenance.

JFlex lexers have been built for C++, Groovy, Java, JavaScript, XML, HPGL, PxM images, CSV, RTF, Java Properties (just now :-) and probably much else. I've found JFlex easy to work with, and the generated code easily fast enough for my purposes. Your mileage may vary, of course, but it certainly merits checking out.

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A Bear of an Interview (but in a good way)

A Bear of an Interview (but in a good way)

by Mapraputa Is

JavaRanch: Thank you for agreeing to answer our questions, Bear. Before we start, I need to read you your rights. You have right to keep silent, if you don't want to answer some question for whatever reason, or without reason at all, just skip it. You also have the right to write your own questions and answer them – it's a "DIY" kind of interview. Remember that everything you say can and will be used against you.

Bear Bibeault: I have read and understand my rights.

JR: Why did you choose JavaScript over real programming?

BB Where's the camera? Shouldn't there be a camera or something? Oh wait, this is an online interview. Never mind. What was the question?

JR: Why did you choose JavaScript over real programming?

BB: Is my tie on straight?

JR: Sigh, you're not wearing a tie. Are you always this way?

BB: No. Sometimes I tend to wander off the subject.

JR: Why did you choose JavaScript over real programming?

BB: (chuckles) Well, first of all, let's ditch the notion that JavaScript is somehow not a real language. We have seen a rather interesting phenomenon with JavaScript in that, of all the languages in broad use today, JavaScript is probably the most widely used, but little understood language.

JavaScript is included in millions and millions of web pages, but most page authors don't deeply understand the language that they are using. As a functional language, JavaScript is actually quite interesting, almost fascinating.

Luckily, today's focus on Rich Internet Applications and Ajax has sparked an interest in JavaScript that's leading more and more page authors to delve into the language itself. A movement I call "Beyond the Image Roll-over".

I've met a lot of people who claim that they hate JavaScript but I've found that for the most part they either haven't really taken the time to understand the language and give it a fair shake, or are reacting to the browser DOM (which is an abomination). Or both!

As to why I chose it... Well, I didn't. It chose me!

JR: How is that?

BB: Anyone who's followed my posts on JavaRanch knows that my core competency is server-side Java, particularly Servlets and JSP. But as with all serious web developers, I have to wrap my mind around the myriad alphabet soup technologies that a good web devo needs in his toolbox. And yes, that includes JavaScript.

I've proposed a few books on server-side technologies, but none of them have gone anywhere. The general consensus seems to be that "everything that needs to be written about Servlets and JSP has already been written". I don't happen to believe that that's true, but I guess that I haven't been all that convincing as of yet.

But RIAs and Ajax are things that people want to read and learn about, so that's what publishers are interested in. And so the three books I've written to date focus on the client side of things. You gotta write what people want to read!

But I haven't completely given up on my idea for a book on JSP...

JR: What should server-side Java programmers know about recent developments in JavaScript?

BB: Well, obviously the advent of Ajax has had an impact on how the server side is written. While the big, full-page refreshes are still alive and well (despite the predictions of their demise), they are augmented by increasing hoardes of smaller requests made via Ajax to "service" that page until the time comes for it to be replaced.

Which not only brought the concept of HTML fragments to the server side (as opposed to the predominance of full HTML pages), it also brought JSON into the mix.

And now, with the addition of the scripting engine and Rhino to Java 1.6, well, that's a whole 'nuther ball of worms that server-side devos need to figure out how to use to best advantage.

JR: What are the perspectives for JavaScript as a language? Where can it expand to?

BB: Well, as I said, to the server. Netscape flirted with server-side JavaScript in the past, but that rather went the way of the dodo. But with full Java support and the power of the Rhino engine behind it, JavaScript's migration to the server is all but assured. Just how it will be used is anyone's guess at this point. But we're a clever bunch – we'll figure it out.

JR: So many web technologies have come and gone; how has JavaScript managed to survive?

BB: Every shiny new thing that comes along seems to go through a phase where it is going the be "the killer app" that knocks HTML and JavaScript off the web. It never happens.

HTML and JavaScript are the basic building blocks upon which the web is built. Shiny new things either build upon these blocks, or compete in a niche.

JavaScript is here to stay. Something is going to have to be very very very shiny in order to knock it aside. I just don't see it happening anytime in the foreseeable future.

JR: What do you feel is the most powerful aspect of JavaScript?

BB: Its basis in functional programming – the very aspects that most people who use JavaScript don't really understand.

I try very hard to emphasize these aspects, both in my books, as well as in my posts to JavaRanch. If more page authors truly understood JavaScript's functional concepts like closures and function contexts, the state of scripting on the web would be vastly improved.

JR: You mentioned JSON. What's that all about?

BB: JSON, which stands for either JavaScript Object Notation, or JavaScript Serialized Object Notation, depending upon who you are talking to, is essentially a way of describing JavaScript data constructs based upon the syntax of JavaScript object literals. It's a great data interchange format and is turning out to be very well-suited to moving data from the server to the client.

JR: Why is that?

BB: It's incredibly easy to digest on the client. XML is a bear (in a bad way) to digest with its rather heavyweight API. JSON only requires a simple call to eval() and you're done!

It's also easy to generate and lots of server-side tools for dealing with it are cropping up. It's not going to push XML off its data interchange throne anytime soon, but as far as Ajax is concerned, XML can no longer claim to be King of the Hill.

Do you remember that board game, King of the Hill? It had this plastic mountain with a crown at its peak...

JR: You mentioned wanting to write a book on JSP. Why do you think we need one more?

BB: ... and it had marbles as playing pieces ....

JR: Why do you think we need one more JSP book?

BB: ... and all these traps you could fall into.

JR: Focus! Book! On JSP.

BB: JSP underwent a major revolution with JSP 2.0 and no one seems to have noticed. Oh, people are starting to use the JSTL and the EL (Expression Language) more and more – but a lot of them are still writing web apps the same old way that they used to with JSP 1.x. They're just trying to replace scriptlets line-by-line with JSTL/EL and finding out that that's not really where it's at.

Or worse: mixing scriptlets with JSTL/EL. (shudders)

To really take advantage of the "new JSP way", people need to change some of the ways that they think about using JSP pages. Not a whole lot – but more than I've been seeing happen.

There are also some neat tips and tricks that I've learned along the way, some of which I've written about in previous Journal articles, that I'd like to share with a wider audience.

JR: OK, back to the books you have written. The three books are Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action in March 2007, Ajax in Practice in May 2007 and earlier this year jQuery in Action came out. All three are about the latest developments in JavaScript... Does it feel like you are writing one book? If not, how are they different?

BB: Well the Prototype and jQuery books are similar in that they describe popular JavaScript libraries, but the books are very different because the approach of the libraries themselves is so very different. Prototype makes JavaScript look a lot like Ruby and adds a lot of names and classes to the global space, as well as modifying the behavior of existing JavaScript classes and elements. jQuery, on the other hand, promotes the concept of Unobtrusive JavaScript and itself makes little incursion into the global namespace (two names, one of which is optional) by using the Wrapper Pattern to add functionality to JavaScript elements without being invasive. They really couldn't be more different if they tried. Actually, I guess they did try pretty hard...

These days, I always highly recommend adopting a JavaScript library such as Prototype or jQuery especially if you're going to be doing any Ajax. There are so may pitfalls and browser quirks that these libraries handle for you that it's madness to try and write it all yourself. Why hit yourself in the middle of the forehead with a ball-peen hammer if you don't have to?

Ajax in Practice is very different from the other two books in that it shows how to use Ajax to solve real-world problems that web developers face every day. It's perfect for either people who already know some Ajax and want to put it to good use, or people who have heard about Ajax and want to know if it can help them solve some of the issues that they've been encountering.

Now can I ask you a question?

JR: Ask me a question? No, not really.

BB: What is your main goal when interviewing people?

JR: To make them discover something about themselves, something they didn't know?

BB: I didn't know that I was so boring. Thanks for that!

JR: On your blog, The Bear Den, you talk a lot about cooking. Does your programming experience influence your cooking style?

BB: Well, when people ask me for a recipe, I give it to them in XML. Does that count?

JR: Can you think about a case when your cooking experience influenced your programming?

BB: Splashing tomato sauce into the keyboard definitely has an effect.

Seriously, I think that one of the reasons that I like cooking so much (besides because I like to eat) is that it's so completely different from programming. While I feel that programming is as creative as it is an analytical endeavor (at least for me), the sort of creativity that goes into cooking is of a different sort. Besides, my other hobbies are digital photography and videography; both if which involve being plopped in front of a computer. Cooking is the one interest I have that doesn't involve a keyboard.

Unless you count using the iMac in my kitchen to look up recipes, or enter them into a database.

JR: You have an iMac in your kitchen?

BB: Of course, to look up recipes, surf while waiting for a sauce to reduce, stream iTunes from my upstairs PowerMac, and moderate JavaRanch first thing in the morning while my coffee brews. Don't you?

JR: Explain the motorcycle in exactly 42 words.

BB: Riding a motorcycle is as close as you can get to flying while still keeping two wheels to the ground, riding with the wind in my hair. OK, I have no hair and I always wear a helmet, but you get the idea.

JR: That was 43 words.

BB: Bill me for the extra word. Make it the I, that's probably the cheapest.

JR: What's your favorite felony?

BB: Hmm, according to Wikipedia, crimes commonly considered to be felonies include: aggravated assault and/or battery, arson, burglary, embezzlement, grand theft, treason, espionage, racketeering, robbery, murder, rape, kidnapping and fraud.

BB: None of those really suit my style. Can't we stick with misdemeanors?

JR: No.

BB: Dang. Then I'd have to pick espionage. Except that I'd be a double agent! That way, I could still be the good guy and Matt Damon would play me in the movie version. Though they'd probably have to hold him down while they shaved his head.

JR: What would you most like to say in Russian?

BB: "Just show me the way to the blasted bathroom!"

JR: You've done three big projects with Manning. After all the work, does Manning feel more like a Mother or a Father to you?

BB: Neither actually. But the Publisher, Marjan Bace, often likes to chat with the authors by phone. These conversations are always engaging and thought-provoking, but somehow, I always feel like I'm being sent to the Principal's Office when one is scheduled.

JR: Did you get sent to the Principal's Office a lot when you were in school?

BB: Hardly ever! I was a complete goody-two-shoes! I didn't develop my bad boy image until... wait, I never did develop a bad boy image. I'd better get to work on that...

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Authentication using JAAS

Authentication using JAAS

by Rahul Bhattacharjee

What are authentication and authorization?

Authentication can defined as the process to confirm the identity of an user. This can be achieved in a variety of ways, e.g. by entering a password, swiping an ID card, or using a biometrical scanner. The user need not be a human being, but can be a computer process.

Authorization can be defined as the process of deciding whether an authenticated user/system is allowed to access a certain resource or perform a certain action or not. A system may have many logical sections/modules, and not all users might have access to all modules. For example, one would not want an employee of a company to be authorized to get into parts of an application related to the company's appraisal system or other confidential data. This is where authorization comes into play. Though the user might have authenticated himself, he might not have sufficient authorization to access certain particular data items.

Both the above –authentication and authorization– are addressed by JAAS.

What is JAAS?

As the name –Java Authentication and Authorization Services– suggests, it provides a framework and an API for the authentication and authorization of users, whether they're human or automated processes. Both parts provide full-fledged capabilities and can be used in small-sized applications as well as enterprise applications, where security is a major concern. JAAS was inspired by PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module); one might say that JAAS is a Java version of PAM. It was introduced as an optional package for use with JDK 1.3, but has been integrated as part of the standard JDK 1.4.

JAAS uses a service provider approach to its authentication features, meaning that it is possible to configure different login modules for an application without changing any code. The application remains unaware of the underlying authentication logic. It's even possible for an application to contain multiple login modules, somewhat akin to a stack of authentication procedures.

In this article we will discuss the authentication part of JAAS in detail, starting with the various classes and interfaces which are involved, followed by a ready-to-run example.

Classes and interfaces

LoginModule (

Login modules are written by implementing this interface; they contain the actual code for authentication. It can use various mechanisms to authenticate user credentials. The code could retrieve a password from a database and compare it to the password supplied to the module. It could also use a flat file, LDAP or any other means of storing user information for that purpose. Generally, in enterprise networks all authentication credentials are stored in one place, which might be accessed through LDAP.

LoginContext (

The login context is the core of the JAAS framework which kicks off the authentication process by creating a Subject. As the authentication process proceeds, the subject is populated with various principals and credentials for further processing.

Subject (

A subject represents a single user, entity or system –in other words, a client– requesting authentication.

Principal (

A principal represents the face of a subject. It encapsulates features or properties of a subject. A subject can contain multiple principals.


Credentials are nothing but pieces of information regarding the subject in consideration. They might be account numbers, passwords, certificates etc. As the credential represents some important information, the further interfaces might be useful for creating a proper and secure credential – and Suppose that after the successful authentication of the user you populate the subject with a secret ID (in the form of a credential) with which the subject can execute some critical services, but the credential should be removed after a specific time. In that case, one might want to implement the Destroyable interface. Refreshable might be useful if a credential has only a limited timespan in which it is valid.

The process of authentication

The authentication process starts with creating an instance of the LoginContext. Various constructors are available; the example uses the LoginContext(String, CallbackHandler) variety. The first parameter is the name (which acts as the index to the login module stack configured in the configuration file), and the second parameter is a callback handler used for passing login information to the LoginModule. CallbackHandler has a handle method which transfers the required information to the LoginModule. The example uses a very simple handler which saves the username and password in an instance variable, so that it can be passed on during the invocation of the handle method from the LoginModule. It's also possible to create callbacks that interact with the user to obtain user credentials, and transfer that information to the LoginModule for authentication.

An empty Subject is created before the authentication begins. This is passed to all login modules configured for the application. If the authentication is successful, the subject is populated with various principals and credentials.

The login method in the LoginContext is used to start the login process. After its successful completion, the application can retrieve the Subject from the LoginContext using the getSubject() method.

The login process has two phases. In the first phase, the individual login module's login method is invoked, but at this point the principals and credentials are not attached to the subject. The reason being that if the overall login fails, the principals and credentials attached to the subject are invalid, and have to be removed.

If the login process is successful the commit methods of all login modules are invoked, and the individual login modules take care of attaching the appropriate principals and credentials to the subject. If it fails then the abort method would be invoked; that gives the login modules a chance to perform any necessary cleanup.

The login method of the login module should return true if the authentication is successful, false if this module should be ignored, and it throws a LoginException if the authentication fails.

JAAS configuration in detail

Let's take a look at a sample JAAS configuration file.

RanchLogin { com.javaranch.auth.FirstLoginModule requisite debug=true ; com.javaranch.auth.SecondLoginModule required debug=false ; };

With this configuration, two login modules have been configured under the name RanchLogin: FirstLoginModule and SecondLoginModule. Each login module is configured with a flag, which decides its behavior as the authentication proceeds down the authentication stack. Other dynamic information related to specific login modules can be passed using key/value pairs. One parameters is supplied to the first login module (debug, and two to the second (debug and email). These parameter values can be retrieved from within the module. The possible flags are:

1) Required – This module must authenticate the user. But if it fails, the authentication nonetheless continues with the other login modules in the list (if any).

2) Requisite – If the login fails then the control returns back to the application, and no other login modules will execute.

3) Sufficient – If the login succeeds then the overall login succeeds, and control returns to the application. If the login fails then it continues to execute the other login modules in the list.

4) Optional – The authentication process continues down the list of login modules irrespective of the success of this module.

An example

A login configuration file is needed, which specifies the login module to be used. The file name is passed as a JVM parameter via a"JAAS_CONFIG_FILENAME" switch. The following code shows a simple example.

The code triggering the authentication (com.javaranch.auth.Login)

CallbackHandler handler = new RanchCallbackHandler(userName, password);

try {
    LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext("RanchLogin", handler);
    // starts the actual login
} catch (LoginException e) {
    // log  error (failed to authenticate the user - do something about it)

Login configuration file (loginConfig.jaas). It ties the name "RanchLogin" (used in the previous paragraph) to the class RanchLoginModule (shown in the next paragraph).

RanchLogin {
    com.javaranch.auth.RanchLoginModule required;

Implementation of LoginModule in the class RanchLoginModule

public boolean login() throws LoginException {
    boolean returnValue = true;
	if (callbackHandler == null){
        throw new LoginException("No callback handler supplied.");

    Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[2];
    callbacks[0] = new NameCallback("Username");
    callbacks[1] = new PasswordCallback("Password", false);

    try {
        String userName = ((NameCallback) callbacks[0]).getName();
        char [] passwordCharArray = ((PasswordCallback) callbacks[1]).getPassword();
        String password = new String(passwordCharArray);
        //--> authenticate if username is the same as password (yes, this is a somewhat simplistic approach :-)
        returnValue = userName.equals(password);
    } catch (IOException ioe)  {
        throw new LoginException("IOException occured: "+ioex.getMessage());
    } catch (UnsupportedCallbackException ucbe) {
        throw new LoginException("UnsupportedCallbackException encountered: "+ucbe.getMessage());

    System.out.println("logged in");
    return returnValue;

Authentication with a SecurityManager

There's one problem with this code - if a security manager is present (as it is likely to be in applications worth protecting) an exception is thrown. We have to give certain permissions to the code using the policy file:

grant { permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user", "read"; permission java.util.PropertyPermission "pass", "read"; permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read"; permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read"; permission "createLoginContext.RanchLogin"; };

We have to grant the code AuthPermission with target createLoginContext, so that it is allowed to instantiate a LoginContext object.

To run the code with a security manager we also need to pass a parameter to the JVM, along with the location of login configuration and policy files. Alternatively, it's also possible to modify the default policy file that comes with the JDK directly.

Running the examples

Make sure that jaas.config, policy.config and the jaas-example.jar file are in the same directory. (There are also Ant targets named runCase1, runCase2, runCase3 and runCase4 that will execute these test program with the specified parameters.) The complete, ready-to-run code can be downloaded here.

java -Duser=rahul
     -jar jaas-example.jar

Result : Successful, as the username is same as the password.

java -Duser=rahul
     -jar jaas-example.jar

Result : Failed, as the username is not as same as the password.

java -Duser=rahul
     -jar jaas-example.jar

Same as above, but with a security manager enabled. Result : Failed, as the code doesn't have the required permissions.

java -Duser=rahul
     -jar jaas-example.jar

Result : Successful, as the code has been granted all the necessary permissions using the policy.config file.

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Interesting stuff elsewhere on the Ranch

Interesting stuff elsewhere on the Ranch

by Ulf Dittmer

Not all the good stuff is in these Journal articles. The Saloon sees lots of insight and wisdom all the time, and the staff is continuously reviewing interesting books and blogging about this, that and the other. Plus, we've got book authors hanging out with us all the time. So here are a few nuggets you may have missed that should prove interesting to many folks.

Big Moose Saloon

A question about how to comment code so it's understandable by other people leads to a discussion on the various ways to comment Java code -and whether it should be necessary in the first place- in How (and why) to comment code.

A rancher is asked to evaluate Maven for a project, and finds it hard to get started with. Seeing that many people swear by it, he wonders what its benefits might be. Other ranchers offer lots of insight and reasoned opinions for and against using Maven in Maven: What's the big deal?.

Contemplating vinyl records and telephones with rotary dials, a rancher wonders what else our kids just won't understand when they see it. Lots of responses in What our kids won't understand indicate that we'll have a lot of explaining to do.

Lots of interesting and informative Groovy talk is going on as we have the author of Programming Groovy: Dynamic Productivity for the Java Developer answering questions.


Map continues her interview series in Interview with Hussein Baghdadi, a Java programmer from Syria, covering topics from Java development and working conditions to book availability and the evilness of countries.

Book Reviews

Murach's Java Servlets and JSP by Andrea Steelman and Joel Murach

Enterprise AJAX by David Johnson, Alexei White and Andre Charland

Implementation Patterns by Kent Beck

Next Generation Java Testing by Cedric Beust and Hani Suleiman

Practical Apache Struts 2 Web 2.0 Projects by Ian Roughley

Upcoming Promotions

On April 8, Venkat Subramaniam will be answering questions about Programming Groovy: Dynamic Productivity for the Java Developer

On April 15, Binildas A. Christudas introduces Service-Oriented Java Business Integration

On April 22, Adam Myatt talks about Pro NetBeans IDE 6 Rich Client Platform Edition

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