Author Topic:   execution path
Amal Gupta
posted April 29, 2000 01:02 PM             
hi folks,

I wanna to be a JAVA xpert like all of U. I have been in industry for almost 3 years and had worked a lot in ORACLE, D2K, C, Pro *c. Also I have some concepts of OOPS & CORBA.What kinda certification i should go???? I am planning to go for Java Certification in another 3-4 months (time period also I am very sure, this actually depends how quickly I see myself comfortable to be appear in the test). Pls explain me the execution path i mean with which s/w to start. I believe it's JDK 1.2/Notepad. What else I need to download and from where??? What books U suggest. I am thinking of book "The Complete Reference JAVA 2 By Schildt & some other author (i forget the name) Tata Mcgraw Hill publication. Pls let me know if anyother book will do for the certification exams??? Also tell me the sites abt the mock exams???????

Thanks in advance to all of U.........

ranch hand
posted April 29, 2000 01:12 PM             

First off, you are making a wrong assumption that
"all" of us here on the ranch are "xperts". While
it is true in many cases, I am not one.

Coming to suggestions, there are tons of them ....

1. I follow the book Complete java 2 cert by
Robert, Heller, Ernest (popularly know as R&H or RHE)
More news:

2. Java language basics:

3. Certification details ...
(includes most of the answers you need)

Welcome to the club and best of luck.

- Regds.

- satya

posted April 29, 2000 09:54 PM             
(way too far to an expert, didn't want to speak out, but..)
here is the site fot the mock test.

maha anna
posted April 30, 2000 08:03 AM             
I am also not qualified for your spec. Here is some help.

1. Download Textpad from here . This is a very nice tool with all the different colors for java keywords/identifiers etc. I use it and also recommend for you.

2. Download Both the jdk1.2.2 /jdk 1.3 and the Java API. Install it in your hard disk. Write a small java prog and compile and run and see if everything is ok.

3. Since you already familier with 'C' lang, and some oop, you might just want to scan Sun's tutorial at your own speed. You can download it from here.

4. After reading this you might want to get some more good oop concepts from Thinking in Java. You can download it from here. If you can offerd, I reccommend to buy it. Because this book is so good and , reading offline is better instead of reading from computer screen. .

5. As everyone has, for the certification purpose you may have to buy R&H/Barry Boone along with Bill Brogden's Exam Cram book will be better I think. Read them. Now you will be in a position to understand easily. Because these cert books are for people with already some background of Java. Do all the practice exams.

6.For further info regarding SCJP2 exam/faq/tutorials/MockExams/discussion etc, I recommend and Marcus Green's site. You yourself explore these 2 sites.

I am in a hurry now. I will edit this post will all the relevent URLs.

maha anna

[This message has been edited by maha anna (edited April 30, 2000).]

posted April 30, 2000 03:54 PM         
Hummmm, I'm not able to put at work this new version of ThinkPad .

Any suggestion is welcome.

(Even when writting you can hear my french accent. Isn't it?)
